
Sunday Worship

Is an occasion for all Christians (and those exploring faith) to come together. We are all seekers, seeking the grace of God, seeking to learn more of Jesus and seeking to give bodily expression to Paul the apostle’s concept of being “in Christ”.

The 10.00 am morning service follows a pattern of Gathering, Hearing and expounding the Scriptures, and Responding in love. The liturgy is not fixed but flexible to the varying needs of the congregation, to the seasons of the Christian year, and to local and global events.

Communion table

Communion table at the altar St Andrews Church

The opening of the service is a time of welcoming and gathering, moving into a time of accepting one another and realising God’s presence. As the service continues, it picks up the themes of our mission statement, we spend time as a community of various ages in enjoying a reading or activity and reflecting upon it.

Younger children present usually leave for Sunday School at this stage, and our further worship comprises hearing the word of God in scripture (usually from a gospel) and seeking to relate this to the present. We conclude by responding to what we have experienced and heard through prayer and freewill offering.

Easter Sunday Communion Table 2018

Holy Communion is central to our life as Christians.  When we celebrate communion, we as the Body of Christ are joining together in this symbolic meal to meet Christ, to confess our faith in him and to meet each other.

It is not something that we do to simply remember Christ, rather, it is something that Christ does for us. It is one of the sacraments of the Church – a sacrament is a visible sign of an invisible grace.