Tarani was born in Rakahanga, Cook Islands. She is one of 10 children. After attending Rakahanga College in Rarotonga she trained as a Community Nurse. She came to New Zealand in August 1974, and trained as an Enrolled Nurse in Hastings and worked as a Nurse Aide in the Hastings Mental Health Unit for 20 years. She met her husband Teina in Rarotonga and they were married in
St Andrew’s Church. They have a family of 4 children. Tarani has been a
member of St Andrew’s Church since 1974. The people who influenced her most in her faith were her parents and past Tupunas.
Tarani hopes that she will unite the Cook Island Congregation and that it will grow. She has skills in communication in both languages (Rarotongan and
English) and has the ability to draw in people from different walks of life.
It is significant progress for a woman in this new age to be appointed to the
position of The Secretary to St Andrew’s Cook Island Congregation.